한국원자력연구원 대표 홈페이지(영문)>R&D Activities>Innovative Growth and Job Creation>Leading the world market through indigenously deve
Leading the world market through indigenously deve
As the number of nuclear related jobs is expected to decline due to the energy transition policy, the government is actively supporting the establishment of the nuclear decommissioning market following the permanent shutdown of Kori Unit 1 and promoting the export of nuclear technology to secure alternative jobs
Contributing to job creation through the development of key technology in the field of new market demand and capturing new markets
The development of new growth engines for innovative growth and consequent job creation are in line with the national philosophy and innovative growth policies
Promotion Strategy
(Goal) Leading the world market through the export of domestically developed SMR and next generation SMR technology development for enhanced competitiveness
(Commercialization of SMR) Leading the world market through the completion of SMART PPE followed by the construction of two units of SMART in Saudi Arabia
Leading the global market of research reactors by developing advanced research reactor technology and various research reactor models with low, medium, and high thermal power. Successful completion of the Ki-Jang research reactor project and the OYSTER project which entails building the Cold Neutron Source Facility of the HOR.
(Action Plan) KAERI focuses on design and development of innovative technology while industry leads export promotion
Research Topics
SMR technology
Innovative elementary technology for next generation SMART
Design and construction of Ki-Jang Research Reactor
Development of new research reactors with low, medium, and high thermal power for export
Development of U-Mo plate fuels
Research Facilities
Research Facilities
SMART model
SMART is an integral-type reactor containing major components such as a pressurizer, steam generators, and reactor coolant pumps in a single reactor pressure vessel. This integrated arrangement of the reactor vessel assembly enables the large bore pipe connections to be removed, resulting in an inherent elimination of large break loss of coolant accidents (LBLOCAs).
SMART is a multi-purpose reactor that can be used not only for electricity generation but also desalination and regional heating. It is suitable for the developing countries with a small economy and electricity grid. It can produce enough electricity and desalinated water for 100,000 residents.
Research Facilities
A large integrated test facility with a height of 45m utilized to verify the safety and performance of SMART.
Research Facilities
SMART Simulator
SMART main control room simulator, which can simulate various normal/abnormal/accident operation conditions.
Research Facilities
Performance and Endurance Test Facility for Reactivity Control Systems
This is a facility to test the performance and endurance of reactivity control systems. New reactivity control systems actuated under the reactor core have been developed for Ki-Jang research reactor and their performance and endurance have been verified in the facility.
Research Facilities
Experimental Facility for Two-Phase Flow
This is an experimental facility to study the two-phase flow that occurs in a postulated partial rupture accident of a pipe with pressure below atmospheric pressure. This phenomenon is expected in research reactors with downward and high flow at the reactor core.
Research Facilities
Simulator of Research Reactor
This simulator of the research reactor includes the dynamic model of main systems, their functions, and a user-interface program, providing a realistic reactor operation environment for normal and abnormal operation. The simulator has been used for operator training and the official operator licensing test.