Development of higher value-added radiation techno
- Background
- Demand for radiation technology will increase significantly due to increased interest in welfare such as health care and demand for new industries
- Goal
- Development of high value-added radiation core technology to solve the problems people are facing in their lives and contribute to leading future industries, and fostering new radiation industries based on large regional research facilities
- Significance
- Development of radiation technology that is beneficial and safe for people's lives and meets the national government's philosophy and the mission of government-funded research institutes of national security and the creation of new industries
Promotion Strategy

(Goal) Radiation technology development for national welfare promotion, solving problems relating to daily living throughout the nation, and new business creation
(Stabilized production·supply of radioisotopes) Completion of radioisotope production reactor, utilization of cyclotron·proton beam accelerator for securing core isotopes (Zr-89, Tc-99m, etc.) capacity, promotion of domestic RI supply spin-off company
(Fostering radiation application industry) Promotion of new technology and new industry through fusion between radiation and different fields (radiation biotechnology, materials, environment, development of crops) X-ray neutron mixed radiation security inspection system, high strength lightweight composite materials, human synchronous device, drug delivery compound synthesis technology for radioactive pharmaceuticals, development of breeding technology for crops to respond to climate change, etc.

(Development of technology for solving the problem of people's lives) Development and support of radiation safety, fine dust, etc. as an institute supporting human life in the fields of environment and nuclear energy Fine dust reduction, industrial odor elimination, radiation safety such as radon related safety, radiation technology for preservation of cultural heritage together with phytosanitization and quarantine using radiation, spreading prevention of infectious diseases, next-generation radio-vaccine development
(Action plan) Development of core radiation technology to improve the quality of life such as promotion of public welfare and safety, and promoting commercialization through technology transfer and establishment of spin-off companies
- Development of technology for solving problem of people's lives (fine dust reduction, industrial odor elimination, radiation safety such as radon related safety, preservation of cultural heritage ,etc.)
- Radiation fusion technology for industrial application
(security inspection system, convergence material, development of crops to respond to climate change, etc.) - Development of radioisotope production and application technology
- Drug delivery compound synthesis technology for radiopharmaceuticals
- Isotope battery research
- Radiation vaccine development