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HOME 원자력교육센터(영문)>Programs>Public acceptance for nuclear energy>Nuclear energy understanding for public agencies, students, teacher

Nuclear energy understanding for public agencies, students, teacher

Educational courses for promoting nuclear understanding through experiments and experiences, and of activating enrollment in field of nuclear science, and engineering.

학생 및 교사, 공공기관 이해증진
학생 및 교사, 공공기관 이해증진 : 과정명, 세부내용, 기간, 회수, 인원, 일정, 수강료를 보여드립니다.
No. Courses (Click on Process Name to view details.) Contents Duration (day) Frequency Capacity (men) Date Note
1 Atom school’ for secondary school students
  • Energy and nuclear power
  • Radiation measurement practice and environmental radiation
  • Study on nuclear power
1day 2 50 October -
2 In-service program of secondary school teachers for nuclear energy
  • Basic theory of nuclear energy and radiation
  • Experiment and practice for nuclear power plant system and radiation
  • Nuclear facility tour
3day 1 40 August -
3 Training courses on nuclear energy understanding for public agencies
  • Special Lecture on nuclear power
  • Basic radiation and applications
  • Domestic and international trends of nuclear power
  • Dissemination of research and development output
1day 1 20 April -