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HOME 원자력교육센터(영문)>Programs>Programs for Domestic Nuclear Personnel>Radiation Utilization Technology

Radiation Utilization Technology

It is composed of subjects such as theory of atomic power, handling technology of radioisotopes and radiation, radiation hazard and protection. It is for the workers in radiation industries, and who intends to get RI handling licence.

방사선 기술
방사선취급 기술 : 과정명, 세부내용, 기간, 회수, 인원, 일정, 수강료를 보여드립니다.
No. Courses (Click on Process Name to view details.) Contents Duration (week) Frequency Capacity (men) Date Tuition (won)
1 Radiaoisotope use : general
  • Basics of atomic power
  • radiation hazard and protection
  • basic of radioisotope and radiation handling technology
  • Nuclear-related laws
4 1 40 Jan. 900,000
2 radiation protection : supervisor
  • Basics of atomic power
  • radiation hazard and protection
  • radioisotope and radiation handling technology and measurement technology
  • Nuclear-related laws
6 1 20 May ~ Jun. 1,200,000
3 Training course on advanced radiation spectrum analysis
  • Radiation detector theory
  • Detection statistics and data analysis
5 1 20 Apr. 600,000
4 Training course on multi-purpose accelerator technology application
  • Principle and application of ion beam system
  • Analysis technology using proton or ion beam
1 1 20 Oct. -
Requirement of RI lecence test is Science or Engineering graduate, and one or two years' work experience.(one year for general RI lecence, and two years of supervisor licence)
Graduates of the program are acredited to on year work experience.
The class may be cancelled when the number of applicants is insufficient.