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HOME 원자력교육센터(영문)>Programs>Training courses for university students>Internship program on experiment and practice at research laboratory for university students

Internship program on experiment and practice at research laboratory for university students

Internship program on experiment and practice at research laboratory related to major fields for juniors or seniors at university and graduate students.

대학생 연구실 현장실습 인턴십 프로그램
대학생 연구실 현장실습 인턴십 프로그램 : 과정명, 세부내용, 기간, 회수, 인원, 일정, 비고 보여드립니다.
No. Courses (Click on Process Name to view details.) Contents Duration Frequency Trainee Date Remark
1 Internship program on vacation
  • Practice at research laboratories
2~8 weeks 2 80 on Vacation Adjust the duration with consultation
2 Internship program on semester
  • Practice at research laboratories
8~25 weeks 2 20 on Semester Adjust the duration with consultation