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HOME 원자력교육센터(영문)>Programs>KAERI-ACE>Training courses

Training courses

Training courses for improving job competency that can be directly helpful to job performance by knowing basic knowledge and nuclear expertise

직무역량 : 과정명, 세부내용, 기간, 회수, 인원, 일정, 수강료를 보여드립니다.
No. Course (Click on Process Name to view details.) Duration (Time) Times Capa. Target Date
1 KAERI CoL 6Month 1 15Team All employees April ~ October
2 Basic nuclear engineering course 12Hour 1 50person Applicant August
3 Nuclear Business Project Management Course 20Hour 1 30person Applicant April
4 Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Incore Management Course 20Hour 1 30person Applicant September
5 Strategic material export control education 1.5 Hour 1 - Target employees May
6 Performance management 1.5 Hour 1 - Target employees April
7 KAERI nuclear energy issue understanding course 2Hour 7 - Applicant Annual
8 Research security Course 2Hour 1 - Target employees April
9 Research funds execution Course 1.5 Hour 1 - Target employees April
10 Technical Book Writing Course for Science and Technology 4 Hour 1 30 Applicant May
11 Training course on nuclear quality assurance for nuclear facilities - - - Target employees Annual
12 Interview assessment expert course 4 Hour - - Target employees Annual