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HOME 원자력교육센터(영문)>Programs>International Education and Training Courses>KAERI-UST academic degree curriculum

KAERI-UST academic degree curriculum

KAERI provides courses that encourage nuclear industry employees in developing countries to study at UST and obtain master's and doctoral degrees.

  • Provide meal subsidy, health insurance, national pension, employment insurance

KAERI-UST 석박사 과정 : 과정명, 기간, 회수, 인원, 일정 보여드립니다.
No. Course (Click on Process Name to view details.) Period Freq. Capa. Date
1 KAERI International Nuclear Academy Master Course 2 years 1 - ‘19. 1 ~ 12.
2 KAERI International Nuclear Academy PhD Course 3 years 1 - ‘19. 1 ~ 12.