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HOME 원자력교육센터(영문)>Facility Information>The Nuclear Training center>Rest Area

Rest Area

  • Lecturers Room

    • Location

      Main Building 3F 309-1

    • Facility

      A comfortable place for lecturers to rest an study equipped with 2 internet-connected computers.

  • Rest Area(1F)

    • Location

      Main Building 1F

    • Facility

      A comfortable area providing coffee tables and sofa seating for 32 trainees to rest, with 2 internet-connected computers and a hot and cold potable water supply.

    연수생 휴게실(1층)
  • Rest Area(3F)

    • Location

      Main Building 3F

    • Facility

      A comfortable area for trainees providing 2 sets of 12-seat curved sofas, a 16-seat sofa, soft drinks vending machines, a hot and cold potable water supply and 4 internet-connected computers.

    연수생 휴게실(3층)