Experimental Laboratories
- CNS Lab
- Radiation Measurement Lab No.1
- Radiation Measurement Lab No.2
- Radiation Measurement Lab No.3
- Radiation Measurement Lab No.4
- Radiation Measurement Lab No.5
- Chemical Lab
- Non-Destructive Testing Lab [ MT ( Prod ) ]
- Non-Destructive Testing Lab [ MT ( Yoke ) ]
- Non-Destructive Testing Lab [ PT ]
- X-ray Penetrant Testing Lab
- Developing and Viewing Lab
- Non-Destructive Testing Lab [ UT/ECT ]
- Location
Main Building 1F 112
- Training
Equipped with a CNS(Compact Nuclear Simulator) for nuclear reactor operation training and practice, such as operating practice in normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions Planned and hypothetical situations can be simulated and procedures developed, assessed, and practiced under controlled conditions.
- Location
- Location
Main Building 1F 111
- Training
Equipepped with a HANARO for nuclear reactor operation training and practice, such as operating practice in normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions Planned and hypothetical situations can be simulated and procedures developed, assessed, and practiced under controlled conditions.
- Location
Radiation Measurement Lab No.1
- Location
Main Building 3F 309
- Training
Equipped with a system for measurement and analysis of gamma radiation, consisting of a MCA and Nal(TI) detection system for gamma nuclide analysis.
- Location
Radiation Measurement Lab No.2
- Location
Main Building 3F 308
- Training
Equipped with a system for beta and gamma radiation, consisting of GM-counter and GM tube to explore the function of the GM tube and the characteristics of beta and gamma radiation.
- Location
Radiation Measurement Lab No.3
- Location
Main Building 3F 307
- Training
Equipped with a system for measurement and analysis of alpha radiation, consisting of an alpha scintillation counter, an alpha-beta counter, an alpha spectrometer, a radon monitor and an alpha guard to conduct experiments in analysis of airborne contamination, radon measurement and alpha spectrum analysis and other areas of interest.
- Location
Radiation Measurement Lab No.4
- Location
Main Building 3F 306
- Training
Equipped with devices for radiation measurement and experimentation, including of an alpha survey meter, a gamma survey meter, a teletector, a pancake probe survey meter, a personal alarm meter, a pocket dosimeter, various detectors(GM, Nal, Scintillator) and personal radiation protection tools (protective clothing etc.) to provide practical training in measurement of radiation levels, individual radiation exposure, radiation contamination and protection, health physics, etc.
- Location
Radiation Measurement Lab No.5
- Location
Main Building 2F 213
- Training
- Location
Chemical Lab
- Location
Main Building 3F 310
- Training
Equipped with devices for chemical experiments, including various equipment, such as chemical equipment, experimental table, hoods, a hand-foot monitor, a centrifugal separator, a micro-balance meter, etc. for isotope separation and investigation on the chemical properties of isotopes.
- Location
Non-Destructive Testing Lab [ MT ( Prod ) ]
- Location
Main Building B1 007
- Training
Equipped with a device for Magnetic Particle Testing(MPT) measurement, consisting of a prod type MPT and related equipment.
- Location
Non-Destructive Testing Lab [ MT ( Yoke ) ]
- Location
Main Building B1 004
- Training
Equipped with a device for Magnetic Particle Testing(MPT) measurement, consisting of a yoke type MPT and related equipment.
- Location
Non-Destructive Testing Lab [ PT ]
- Location
Main Building B1 008
- Training
- Location
X-ray Penetrant Testing Lab
- Location
Main Building 2F 212
- Training
Equipped with analog and digital testing apparatus and a variety of test materials.)
- Location
Developing and Viewing Lab
- Location
Main Building B1 002
- Training
The X-ray Penetrant Testing Lab complete with a film viewer and related equipment.
- Location
Non-Destructive Testing Lab [ UT/ECT ]
- Location
Main Building B1 001
- Training
- Location