High Resolution Powder Diffractometer

High Resolution Powder DiffractometerHRPD High Resolution Powder Diffractometer
- Neutrons are scattered by atomic nuclei or electron spin inside samples. Analysis of the diffraction patterns can provide information about the lattice structure of samples, such as lattice constant, location of atoms, and temperature factors. When it comes to magnetic materials, the High Resolution Powder Diffractometer (HRPD) facilitates studies on magnetic structures, such as the spin magnitude and alignment. The HRPD is the most frequently used neutron-scattering instrument to collect data about lattice structures and magnetic structures.
Contact information
Hyungsub KimPrincipal researcherNeutron Science Division+82-42-868-4434
Seongsu LeeSenior researcherNeutron Science Division+82-42-868-8438
Key Specifications
Part | Characteristic |
Collimators |
Sample Envirionments
Auto sample changer | Room temperature(12 samples) |
High Temp. Furnace | Up to 1200K, up to 1800K |
Low Temp. CCR | From 1.5K to 300K |
Pressure cell | Up to 10Kbar |
Cryo-furnace | 20 K to 800K |
Super conducting magnet | ~10 Tesla |
Dilution refrigerator | Down to 50mK |

Research Area
- Resolving crystal and magnetic structures
- Identifying structural and magnetic transitions of materials
- Quantitative analysis of phase and light elements in materials
- Method of diffraction pattern analysis using Rietveld refinement
- Analysis of physical order parameters in the crystal lattice under various sample conditions, including low and high temperatures, magnetic fields, and pressure.
Application Fields
- Analyzing the crystal structure of industrial materials—including secondary batteries, hydrogen storage, metals, and thermoelectric components—to boost their performance.
- Conducting fundamental research on structural and magnetic phase transitions, magnetic alignment, and local structural deformation in various materials, such as quantum materials, superconductors, and ferroelectric materials, to understand basic physical phenomena.
Main Achievements
- Yoon Hwa Kim et al., Nat. Mater., 16 (2017) 543
- Kyu-Young Park et al., Energy Environ. Sci. 9 (2017) 2902
- Young-Uk Park et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139 (2017) 12504
- Sang-Youn Park et al. Nat. Commun. 7 (2016) 12912
- Hyungsub Kim et al., Energy Environ. Sci. 8 (2015) 3325